Foothill Ranch Elementary PTA Programs & Events
Your membership dues, donations, fundraising, and volunteer efforts contribute to these programs & events that enrich the experience of all Foothill Ranch Elementary students.
Art Masters: Art Masters provides all grade levels with the opportunity to learn about and try out the techniques of famous artists. The PTA provides the supplies and the funding for the lecturer and art teacher.
ASB: The PTA provides stipends for the student council advisors.
Assemblies: The PTA sponsors fun, enrichment assemblies to add to curriculum activities.
Book Fair: The week-long event is a chance for students and parents to purchase books. Proceeds from the book sales help to pay for library books.
Family Fun Nights: Organized and run by the PTA, these events occur throughout the year and include bingo night, science activities, art events, and movie nights.
Fun Fest: Our annual end-of-the-year carnival is a favorite among students. This huge event is entirely put on by the PTA and includes games, activity booths, food, music, and entertainment.
Holiday Boutique: This program gives students a chance to shop on their own to purchase affordable gifts and experience the joy of giving.
Peer Assisted Leadership (PAL): The PTA provides a stipend for the teacher who advises the student PAL leaders.
Parent Education: The PTA invites speakers to present information relevant to parents, on topics such as cyber safety and child development.
Premier Sports
Red Ribbon Week: This week features prevention activities that support a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.
Reflections: This national PTA arts program recognizes student achievement in visual art, photography, dance, music and literature. Winners at the local level can advance up to the state and national levels.
Science Fair: This program encourages our budding scientists by allowing students to enter their scientific experiments for display to other students and parents.
School Beautification/Garden: The PTA is funding our newly redesigned school garden, which will help our teachers to offer hands-on learning opportunities and an appreciation of healthy eating and the outdoors.
Software: This includes Class Composer and Canyon Creek for teacher conferences.
Spirit Wear: PTA offers students a chance to show their Bobcat pride with spirit wear sold at the beginning of each year.
Staff Appreciation Week: The PTA coordinates this week to show teachers and staff how much they are appreciated. It culminates in a themed luncheon.
Teacher Reimbursement: This helps with classroom support for materials not provided by the district.
Walk to School Day: This October event encourages healthier kids and reduces air pollution by reducing car trips to school and safer routes for walking and bicycling.
Yearbook: Our school yearbook is designed and produced annually by PTA volunteers.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, April 1
- Friday, April 11
- Monday, April 14
- Tuesday, April 15
- Wednesday, April 16
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