Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions
If you're interested in an open board position, please contact Lisa G..
Executive Board
President: Lisa G.
Executive VP: Atrina M.
Treasurer: Ahmed A.
Secretary: Andrea A.
1st VP - Membership: Kristine B.
2nd VP - Programs: Audrey R.
3rd VP - School Activities: Dayna C.
4th VP - Fundraising: Erin M.
Historian: Ken H.
Auditor: Michelle H.
Parliamentarian: Candace S.
Teacher Liaison: Heather M.
Committee Chairs
Advocacy: VACANT
Art Liaison: VACANT
Art Masters: Tamima Z. & Annie I.
Book Fair: Jamie B.
Dine Around: Katherine B.
Fun Fest: Teresa M.
Garden: TBD
Heritage Night: Diana C., Daniela M., and Veronica G.
Holiday Cookie Exchange: Rudi A. & Helen W.
Holiday Shop: VACANT
Hospitality: VACANT
Kinder Liaison: Atrina M.
Marquee: Esther S.
Newsletter: Heather V.
Passive Fundraiser: VACANT
Parent Education: VACANT
Red Ribbon Week: VACANT
Reflections: VACANT
Room Parent Coordinator: Kristine B.
Science Night: Beatriz M., Teresa R. & Vibha U.
Social Media: Shay E.
SPED Liaison: Rachel R. & Meredith A.
Spiritwear Chair: Katherine B.
Staff Appreciation Week: Annie I.
STEAM Liason: Dayna C.
Volunteer Coordinator: Marissa J.
Website: Candace S.
Yearbook: Amie M., Marissa J., and Megan S.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, February 25
- Monday, March 3
- Tuesday, March 4
- Wednesday, March 5
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